Reflection on the First and foremost Quarter

I learned several lessons during the first quarter. First, I learned about the history of the internet starting in 1950's to 2005, and the Philippine pioneers, The software pioneers, Internet architecture. I learned about search engines, domain name levels, web browsers, and web servers.  I also learned how to create and publish a blog. This class helped me discover the internet and its history. It appeared that I had received new knowledge; it was particularly useful but stressful caused by a few problems, but it was still fun to study. I plan to put this information and my discoveries to good use in the future.

My concerns and challenges in the first quarter were that I didn't understand some of the lesson very well. second is when we initially began writing a blog. I had no idea what I was doing because I had never done a blog before, in trouble to create a blog account cause there's a lot of process in making a blog account. and I also had trouble putting up photos and links or reference of a certain pictures from online. because they occasionally didn't load.  third is task completion, lack of time doing it. Finally, it is sometimes difficult to modify because it does not insert an image and occasionally it does not load. That's the challenges that I've encountered had in the first quarter.

I managed those challenges by intently listening to the teacher's discussion while also writing and taking notes on the most important aspects of the subject being taught. I also addressed the challenges of editing and creating a blog by viewing YouTube videos and following the teacher's instructions for inserting picture addresses or links. I also overcome problems and challenges by seeking the assistance of my classmates and friends.  
Moving on, I shall continue to do my best in the next quarters. I will do everything I can to pass this particular subject along. I'll stay motivated and encouraged to conquer any challenges to my personal development and knowledge. After all, I have classmates, friends, peers, and, most importantly, a loving family who will always be there to assist me when I need it.







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