SECOND Quarter Reflection: My Coding Journey


This second quarter has been a whirlwind of learning and discovery as I embarked on my coding journey. On majority occasions, I used notepad with specific requirements. Eventually, I understood the basics of coding that encompassed web development’s HTML’s syntax as well as design structure. With such an approach I can be able to extract and analyze key learnings, challenges.

a. Learning/Discoveries

This quarter’s milestone for me is realization how powerful and accurate code can certainly be. I did not consider a single task that might be quite simple to accomplish as a task that would not require more attention or procedures to be done right. but this second quarter, I have acquired basic knowledge of HTML protocols understanding how to code on frames, borders, table cells, and other elements such as  when setting background colors (scale or layer selection), colors pertaining to font faces and size of the font text, and so on. Each efficient code that I was able to deploy, from tables to layouts and any other codes in between, was rewarding and made me enthusiastic to know more. One of the most significant lessons I learned is to be watchful of the details. a tiny error in a single character might ruin an entire block of code. In this regard, I have learned to be patient.

b. Problems/Challenges

The most difficult problem was also the most obvious and it was that the Notepad program has too few features. The editor had absolutely no means of error detection, syntax highlighting, or even worse, code completion features. This made debugging an absolute nightmare, as you needed to do everything manually and hope for the best. Another considerable problem was the amount of detail that had to be comprehended. It was, at times, too much to ask to learn HTML, CSS.

c. Addressing Challenges

While working on problems, I employed a systematic method. I began by thoroughly analyzing the errors that were present in my code, character by character to ensure that there were no errors in typing, syntax or any logical absurdities. I also tried different codes that would serve to alter the output. When I was unable to proceed further. I also discovered that accomplishing intricate tasks is easier and less daunting when they are broken down into simple steps. To reinforce my knowledge of HTML, I concentrated on completing small, discrete tasks which cumulatively expanded my knowledge.

d. Looking Forward

Moving forward, I plan to transition to a more sophisticated code editor with features like autocompletion and syntax highlighting. This will significantly improve my coding efficiency and reduce debugging time. I also aim to focus on mastering one technology at a time, rather than trying to learn everything simultaneously. I will continue to practice consistently, focusing on building more complex projects to further solidify my understanding. This second quarter has laid a solid experience in coding and I am excited to continue building upon it.



  1. As I read your post, I am mesmerized by your dedication into learning and improving your skills in HTML. Continue aiming high, Venice!

  2. What a wonderful experience! I hope you continue to be optimistic despite the challenges you've encountered while learning!

  3. Hi, I'm glad that you learned a lot during the 2nd quarter and i know that sometimes there are challenges that come our way. And we all know that it's always part on our journey. Keep it up^^.

  4. I am pleased that you are excited delving into the realm of coding. Keep soaring high!

  5. Your journey with HTML coding shows how curiosity can lead to unexpected enjoyment.

  6. I'm happy to know that you learned a lot in this quarter. Keep up the good work!

  7. It's nice to know that you were able to explore and learn new things during the 2nd quarter. Keep up the good work!!


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