SECOND Quarter Reflection: My Coding Journey
This second quarter has been a whirlwind of learning and discovery as I embarked on my coding journey. On majority occasions, I used notepad with specific requirements. Eventually, I understood the basics of coding that encompassed web development’s HTML’s syntax as well as design structure. With such an approach I can be able to extract and analyze key learnings, challenges. a. Learning/Discoveries This quarter’s milestone for me is realization how powerful and accurate code can certainly be. I did not consider a single task that might be quite simple to accomplish as a task that would not require more attention or procedures to be done right. but this second quarter, I have acquired basic knowledge of HTML protocols understanding how to code on frames, borders, table cells, and other elements such as when setting background colors (scale or layer selection), colors pertaining to font faces and size of the font text, and so on. Each efficient code that I was able to deploy...