Reflection on the First and foremost Quarter

I learned several lessons during the first quarter. First, I learned about the history of the internet starting in 1950's to 2005, and the Philippine pioneers, The software pioneers, Internet architecture. I learned about search engines, domain name levels, web browsers, and web servers. I also learned how to create and publish a blog. This class helped me discover the internet and its history. It appeared that I had received new knowledge; it was particularly useful but stressful caused by a few problems, but it was still fun to study. I plan to put this information and my discoveries to good use in the future. My concerns and challenges in the first quarter were that I didn't understand some of the lesson very well. second is when we initially began writing a blog. I had no idea what I was doing because I had never done a blog before, in trouble to create a blog account cause there's a lot of process in making a blog account. and I also had trouble putting up photos a...